Our Values

We root our communities around three values

Spacious Community / Inner Growth / Outward Movement

1. Spacious Community

We cultivate belonging that broadly welcomes the fullness of each person as a gift.

We aspire to be a community that is profoundly welcoming such that people coming from different places, beliefs, life experiences or spirituality will experience high regard. Belonging is based on relationship, not doctrinal beliefs, in that your very presence with us means that you are part of the community. We welcome differences as valuable for our own growth and transformation, helping and encouraging one another in our shared journeys. We are committed to journeying together which means that we will work through conflict, learn to listen well and make room for one another. We recognize that each of us can be in different stages of our spiritual lives and we can make space for one another’s stories and needs, and hopefully play a positive role in one another’s lives in community. We will love one another as whole persons and share all of life; in moments of laughter and tears, sharing our profound moments as well as our simple joys.

2. Inward Growth

Our shared journey moves us inward towards our true self and the belovedness we experience from a loving God.

The journey inward toward self and God is truly a journey toward our own belovedness and healing. As we attend more and more to God’s voice of love, we become grounded in the abundance & compassion that is God. We experience safety that allows us to notice our own lives and patterns and yes, even failings, with gentleness. As a community, we utilize tools from contemplative spirituality and seek to operate from a place of nondualism in order to help us grow in our awareness of God’s love and presence with us. This journey inward is essential for transformation and growth and it impacts all our relationships, empowering us to see others with love as well.

3. Outward


Our spirituality is rooted in and flows outward from the love of God, actively seeking a shared vision of justice and flourishing for all people.

We value a spirituality that moves us to act outside our own self-interest and well being to seek the flourishing of all people. This is motivated by the vision of the life and teachings of Jesus in which those who are subject to injustices, oppression or exclusion are brought into the center and their needs are met. We believe that our flourishing is tied to the flourishing of others. We seek to live lives that actively bring about restoration, reconciliation, beauty, joy and love to our communities. This posture toward the world becomes a part of us, embodied holistically in the way we live our lives. We particularly seek to be actively engaged with our broader world.

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